Sunday, August 3, 2008

my dead end job

So I am sitting here live at T.R.A.M. with nothing to do, and nobody to help. Most think, well thats a great job!!! Have you ever been truly bored? Not just bored cause you cant go anywhere or have no one to talk to. But plain old bored, I am online all day, I can answer any phone calls, I get a 30 min lunch break everyday, and I get a golf cart to check the pool and towels every two hours. And all that, I get paid minimum wage for. I really like to work, Ive been brought up to work. My father has invested in properties, started up businesses, rebuilt businesses, and hey guess what?? Majored in business when he was in college. Ive allways never wanted to work for my money untill now, and now my friend sierra just got fired from the same job. I get to sit around in the morning while my white trash associates play with arts and crafts, then I sit online and watch reruns all day. I guess the only reason why Im still here is because if I wasnt here then I would be sitting at home sulking because my friends get to have more of a life then I would.

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